Your Third Eye, LLC

Our Program:
Your Third Eye, LLC offers Tai Chi and Qi gong practice to seniors in nursing facilities and to those that are home bound. Tai Chi is described as “meditation in motion.” It is intended to help seniors achieve the following:
Clear the mind
Reduce stress through focused concentration on the movements
Reduce high blood pressure
Increase physical strength
Improve hand/eye coordination
Increase circulation
Increase range of motion
Better sleep
Tai Chi 101:
Participants are sitting in chairs or wheel chairs, or even sitting up in bed with the head section raised. Movements are very slow and repeated taking into account their limited mobility, and the memory deficit. With repetition, participants may be able to extend gradually the range of their movements. To anchor the practice in their memories, the instructor may sing a brief song that intends to refresh in their attention that this is the time for Tai Chi.
Participants are able to stand up, and as a precaution, chairs will be available for them to take a break any time they need it. In this practice, as in all of them, care must be taken to have participants hydrated and the instructor will remind them to drink water.
Exercises will include a careful bending of knees properly aligned with feet, slow walk shifting the weight from one leg to the other, and different arms and hands movements. The intention is to widen the range of mobility, and to pace arm and leg movement with breathing.